(July 1995-June 1996)
(July 1996-June 1997)
(July 1998-June 1999)
(July, 1999-December, 2000)
(January, 2001-present)
See the rest of my online work at Marylaine.com
E-mail marylaine at netexpress.net
Two Years Before the Masthead -- reflecting on the first two years of the column
Take a Good Look -- people overlook and underestimate old ladies.
Things That Make Me Go "Huh?" -- sometimes the world does not make sense.
Learning To Be Plaid -- learning to forgive people for their imperfections and failures
Half-Wired -- online, but not a full-fledged geek
Half a Human -- how we learn to act our gender, or choose not to
Words To Be Wise -- we need words to think with
Saved by Katharine Hepburn -- the undying appeal of the screwball comedy
We're Number 300! -- I wouldn't put my town at the bottom of Forbes' list of most livable cities
Playing Hooky at the Start of School -- poems by my son, Brian Block
Give Me Liberty -- trying to understand libertarians, part I
Remote Control -- trying to understand Libertarians, part II
A Death in the Family -- the death of an independent bookstore is a sad thing
The Mouse Police -- on the joys of owning kittens
Something Wicked This Way Comes -- an appreciation of Stephen King
While You've Got It, Flaunt It -- my list of things not to die before doing
The Internet Made Me Do It -- yet another bad rap fastened on the internet
Shiny Happy People -- on how incredibly easy it is to make people in TV ads blissfully happy
Power Failure -- we have far more power than we realize
the Almost Perfect State -- my idea of an almost perfect utopia
Advice for Desperate Men, revised -- on buying gifts for women
Lighting Candles -- on the teachers that light candles in our minds and change our lives
To Serve You Better -- why is it so many frustrating annoying innovations in our lives are supposed to serve us better?
Drawing with a Skewer -- on editorial cartoons
The Cat's Christmas
Thanks for Christmas -- on the utter sappy enjoyment with which I approach the season.
My Year in Books
Attention Deficit -- how hard it is to pay attention when there's so much stuff going on
Oh, Do You Know the Muppet Man? -- a tribute to Jim Henson
Testing, 1,2,3,4 -- one of the great untested assumptions is that tests actually do measure what they say they measure
Making Monsters -- how bullies were allowed to turn into monsters because none of the adults would stop them
Ask Better Questions -- if you want better answers
Stuck Together with God's Glue -- what we gain from suffering
Starr Chamber -- on the special prosecutor's absolute determination to find something to get Bill Clinton on
Categorical Denial -- our mental categories can inhibit our understanding of the world
Winning the Title -- on choosing good titles for columns, books, and such
One of a Kind -- we desperately want to be unique and to be known.
Five Letter Word -- how did "adult" come to mean depraved?
All By Myself -- we give ourselves credit for all our accomplishments, but give no credit to the society that helped us do it
Ghetto Blaster -- some thoughts on using the strengths of the people in the inner city to improve their neighborhoods and lives
The Queen of Touchy-Feely -- on the orgasms of sentiment surrounding Princess Di's death
A Sharing of Books -- my friends and I talk about books we love
The Woman from F.I.B.S. -- a tribute to Christine Lavin
Roses by a Different Name -- makers of modern day proverbs
How I Spent My Summer Vacation -- my first trip to the Rockies
A Field of Dreams -- on the unreal but lovely world of college campuses
Sexual Harassment -- trying to figure out some rules men could safely abide by
Getting to Solla Sollew -- a tribute to Dr. Seuss
Arguably Better -- some civilized ground rules for dealing openly with conflict
Borders Skirmish -- an answer to the librarian who claimed Borders does a better job than libraries do
- Scribbles on Pages -- my answer to the question, "how do you think up this stuff, anyway?"