The election's been held but results haven't jelled
And we still don't know which one is president.
Raw meat's being fed to each talking head,
Who are not paid to be mild and reticent.
We're tired of the fight -- both men are half right,
And they're equally both half-wrong.
They don't trust each other (and for sure not the brother),
So how can they all get along?
Let's bring in a judge we know wouldn't fudge,
Who never would stray from the truth.
Someone so respected, and never rejected,
That noone would gainsay his sooth. |
Who's so worthy of trust, so true and so just
That no one would question his ruling?
Hint: he dresses in red, goes to work in a sled,
Smiles benignly while reindeer are fooling.
He's spent centuries knowing from his to-and-fro-ing
Exactly who's good and who's bad,
Which stockings get coal or a fat tootsie roll,
And who's the most likely young lad.
ENOUGH with the courts and the lawyers and torts,
Enough with their anger and pride!
We're all getting bored-er and tired of Florida.
Why don't we let Santa decide?